The real estate industry is undoubtedly a sector that needs new tools for productivity growth
NHO - Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise has commissioned Samfunnsøkonomisk Analyse to examine the benefits, opportunities, and barriers of artificial intelligence in Norway. The analysis suggests that increased use of artificial intelligence can address significant societal challenges such as declining productivity growth, labor shortages, and climate and energy transition.
CONSIGLI has developed generative AI in close collaboration with Norwegian property developers. Both Norsk Eiendom and CONSIGLI observe a strong willingness within the industry to participate in the development of new technology. The question now is how much of the potential value creation the industry can achieve on a large scale when times are challenging, as they are now. The real estate industry is undoubtedly a sector that needs new tools for productivity growth and to achieve its goals in climate and energy transition.
The report indicates significant business opportunities in AI. We will contribute to ensuring that the real estate industry has the opportunity and tools to realize the potential value creation.